Spiritual Meditation Explained

If you have been wishing for a dramatic change in your body, physically, emotionally, or mentally, then slow down, become aware of self, and focus internally. It takes effort to unplug from the frantic energy of the world and just listen to your body. Put that effort into spiritual meditation and experience what unfolds. The process is explained below to make it a bit easier.

Spiritual Meditation Defined

Spiritual meditation is an experience. It takes you to the deepest part of yourself, stripped of perceptions. In the process, you will find both joy and peace as a feeling of love and light fills up your being. This practice makes you realize the eternal truth and let go of all that is in your past and all that will be to find peace in the present. The need for this practice comes from an innate longing to see beyond the world.


  • Choose a Comfortable Position – Before beginning spiritual meditation, find a place and position that you can stay in comfortably. This should be away from noises and surrounding yourself with nature as much as possible. This type of meditation can put you to sleep so make sure you are in a position you will stay awake in while meditating. Be comfortable, but not so relaxed you can fall asleep. Try the Vajrasana, Sukhasana, or Padmasana if possible or sit in a chair with your back straight, then close your eyes.
  • Experience the Process – When you have something that must be accomplished, what do you typically do? You plan, follow a procedure, and then use a pattern in a conscious manner. This is what we are used to doing. This is not the ideal manner in which to meditate. Learn to let go, loosen up, and let the meditation take a natural course in an organic fashion. Be a passive observer and be unconcerned about getting it right.
  • Acknowledge the Thoughts – The world runs on information which leaves our minds buzzing with content. As we inevitably react to all the thoughts, we are affected. When you meditate, thoughts will bombard you, but do not respond to them. This is challenging, but do not react. Let them waft away so you can get back to your meditation.
  • Utter a Prayer – As you meditate, choose a prayer or something that means something positive to you. It does not have to be religious. Keep your body loose and relaxed, breathe naturally, slowly, and deeply. Observe your breath as it goes in and out. As you exhale, think of your prayer, and utter it to bring you back to focus on your meditation.
  • Reflect on Yourself – Focus your attention to your body and awareness of your presence in that space. Become conscious of your surroundings and observe how your body feels, including your breath and thoughts. Stay calm and relax fully. Open your eyes slowly and sit in the same position for a few more minutes as the effects of the meditation sinks in feel and enjoy the lightness in your body. Think about the process and accept your reaction as natural. Come out of the meditation zone, stretch a bit, and continue your day.

Benefits of Spiritual Meditation

There are several benefits of spiritual mediation, a few are shared below.

  • Releasing and settling emotions and thoughts
  • Relaxing the nervous system
  • Helping the body unwind from stress
  • Letting go of the past
  • Finding peacefulness
  • Realizing your true self
  • Empowers you to reach a higher consciousness

Practice spiritual meditation for five minutes at first and then increase the time as it is convenient.

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