Take Time for You and Have Energy

Do you need time for yourself, but you never feel like you get that? So many people are busy with life such as their job, their schooling and even taking care of the house that they don’t have time to do anything fun. Everyone needs to have time to enjoy their life to revive themselves in their mind, body and soul.

Taking Care of Yourself

We have to learn to be selfish and to take care of ourselves. This doesn’t mean you are lazy or unproductive. You have to learn to take time for yourself without feeling bad about it.

Self-care is something that helps you to live a good life. If you don’t take care of what you need, you will find that you get burnt out and that you are not able to do the best you can do. Change the way that you look at self-care and you will see that it can make you feel happy about your life.

How to Give Yourself Time

There are ways that you can find time for yourself even when this is hard. Even though life is very demanding, you can take time and even schedule yourself personal time in. Here are some other ways to help you take time for you:

Give Yourself the Evenings

Try and give yourself different evenings that you can do things just for you. Tell people you are busy, and you have plans. Take this time to do things that you love such as going out for a hike, gardening, exercising or just relaxing.

Take a Monthly Treat

Take time each month for yourself. You can give yourself time on your lunch break or take a special trip just for yourself. You can go to a spa or have a special day to get your hair done. Always schedule this ahead so you don’t miss it.

Get Tickets Ahead of Time

Go and buy tickets ahead of time to a movie, a concert or a ballgame. This way you don’t cancel, and you make sure that you have to do it.

Leave Work Right on Time

You can make sure that you get extra time by leaving work on time. Leaving work late will cause you to miss on time that you will have for yourself. You can take the extra time to have a hobby and to spend time with people you love.

Join Something

Find something that you want to join where you can meet new people. You can join a class or a book club. Find whatever makes you have fun and peace.

Take a Class

There are people that love to learn new things. If you are one of those people, take a class at the community college or at a local place. You can learn a new language or take an art class.

Work Out

Go and work out and make sure that your body is healthy. Some people don’t exercise because they don’t have time. This is one way to make sure that your body is strong and that you are healthy inside and out.

When You Are Always Going

When you are always going such as on car rides or commuting, take that time to give yourself extra time.

Public Transportation

If you can let someone else drive you, take time to write on your way to your job or wherever you are going. This can help you to be more creative and thoughtful.

In Your Car

If you are in your car and you are driving home, listen to something education or download a book on audio. You might even just need some quiet time.

Waiting Time

When you find that you are always waiting, take this as a time for your free time. Meditate or read something. You can even write down things that you want to do.

Do It Together

You can do multiple things at one time, and this will give you the benefit of having some free time. Here are some great ideas:

Walking to Your Job

If you can walk to work, this is a great time to listen to your music, get exercise and enjoy the outdoors.

Get There Early

Arrive at your job early so that you can have time to relax and read something before you get started on your day.

Volunteer Your Time

Taking time to volunteer can help you to have more joy. You can find something you love to do like working at a soup kitchen or a dog shelter. This will allow you to have a purpose.

Eat By Yourself

Go and eat lunch alone somewhere or find a place outside to eat. This can help you to enjoy some quiet time at lunch.

Taking Time from the Family

Even though you love your children, it is important for you and them to have time away from them. Here are some great ways how:

Have a Mom and Dad Time

Arrange for someone to come and babysit your children a couple times a month so that you can have some free time with your spouse.

Hire a Sitter

Make plans to hire a sitter that you trust and go out on a date with your partner. You can even do this if you need to work on your hobby.

Find a Gym with a Sitting Service

Some gym’s have a babysitting service that you can workout while your children have fun. Find a gym like this and take time for you and them each day.


Everyone needs to make time for themselves. You can do this, and it will help you to get rid of unnecessary stress and frustration. The alone time doesn’t have to be all the time, but you need to take time and make sure that you are doing self-care to keep your mind, body and soul healthy.

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